Monday 2 June 2008

Burnt Tip

With some research, I managed to track down this absolutely tiny field (less than 2 acres) that holds burnt tip orchid. Although heavily outnumbered by green winged orchids, I quickly found a group. They are very small, less than 10cm, but eye-catching and superbly formed.

These are the 'early form' which flower May-June. The 'late form' flowers July-August and is taller, which makes sense as all surrounding plants are then taller. I would guess none are produced on this site, as the surrounding sword is pretty tall even now.

The green-winged orchids at this meadow site are also very small, with none bigger than 12cm.

Another tiny oasis amongst the monoculture crying out to be expanded. SSSI's now carry with them an obligation for the owner to manage them to a favourable condition. Maybe the next step is for the biodiversity on the site to be secured by expanding each site to a suitable size.

Burnt-tip Orchid

Seem to be getting hooked on this weedin' lark. At the moment it's more fulfilling than the birding........although I really must get out down the local pits for Turtle Dove - I've not heard or seen one yet.

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