Monday 11 June 2007

Sunny Day

Today was hot and humid, so a cycle along the Humber bank was in order. After checking on the local Marsh Harriers, I was concentrating on the local butterflies, hoping for some common blues, maybe a late brown argus, along with a dash of orchid spotting thrown in.

Brown argus was not playing, but the common blues were out in force, with the odd ringlet, red admiral and painted lady.

male common blue


As it happened my orchid gen was duff. As compensation, this bank of common valerian was quite impressive. The best I could find was some common spotted orchids.

common valerian

southern marsh orchid

oxeye daisy on the humber bank

impressive poppy display

A new ditch, only cut a year ago seems to have developed into a dragonly hotspot. Emperor dragonly and lots of emerging black-tailed skimmers there today.

black-tailed skimmer

black-tailed skimmer

A good mix of species for the all-rounder. What a great day, but I really must get some better orchid gen.

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