Tuesday 19 June 2007

Socks and Nightjars

I enjoy waiting for churring nightjars. You can take in the silence and view the stars while the mist rises over the heath. Very atmospheric. There's also the supporting cast while you wait. Last night I was treated to a high-flying noctule bat, roding woodcock, and competing cuckoos, but alas, no long eared owls this year.

Having watched Bill Oddie and his hankerchief-waving antics on BBC's Springwatch, I thought I would try the same. I don't stock hankies however, and the laundry basket was devoid of anything white except my white socks looking slightly not-so-white having been round several meadows the previous day.

After the first bout of churring from his usual tree, a rapid double-flick and whip-like 'crack' of the sock had him coming to investigate, circling within 4 meters showing the white wing and tail flashes. After a few circuits, he left for more churring, but more likely due to the strong sock odour.

In summary, if out on the heath and handkerchief-less, I can fully recommend the sock method.

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